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Aust Standards Compliant Label kit Tesla 2024

What is the updatation of AS/NZS standards about Tesla Label Kit?

Aust Standards Compliant Label kit - Tesla

Label description

Mounted on the outside of the meter box to advise emergency personell 1. that there is a battery on site and 2. what the battery chemistry is in an emergency AS/NZS5139 cl 7.3

Where the IES is directly connected to a distribution switchboard, signs shall be installed in prominent positions on the main switchboard and all interme diate distribution switchboards. AS/NZS 4777.1 6.3 For commercial sites with fire panels fix one sign to front of FIP

A warning sign shall be installed in the main switchboard and any intermedi ate distribution switchboards warning that a multiple mode IES with stand-alone functionality is connected and the requirement to follow the shut down procedure for safe isolation

On the escutcheon of any switchboards where ALL circuits are standalone.

A permanent sign detailing the shutdown procedure for the IES in the event of an emergency situation shall be installed adjacent to and visible from the equipment or the switch to be operated in the event of a shutdown. We have label in aGate so Installer shall fit one adjacent to PCE (aPower)

A sign stating voltage and current shall be mounted either adjacent to the enclosure or on all doors to the battery system or BESS. 7.6 Where multiple BESS are installed within one electrical installation but not in the same location (eg. One in adjacent to MSB one in garage), there shall be a sign for each BESS that includes an identifiable number together with the total number of BESS shown. eg BESS #1/4 - engraved after “BATTERY ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM

A sign notifying service personel on how to isolate aGate shall be installed adjacent to aGate, right side. If substrate is not appropriate for mounting sign then it shall be located inside Gateway above the Main Isolator

Inverter location label installed at the same switchboard to which the BESS is connected. WHERE INVERTER OR IES IS NOT LOCATED ADJACENT TO THE SWITCHBOARD TO WHICH IT IS CONNECTED

Adjacent to any stand-alone circuits IF not in it’s own stand-alone DB

At the battery isolator The following signs shall be installed for labelling of isolators adjacent to the inverter(s). (a) ‘INVERTER A.C. ISOLATOR ’. (b) ‘ ISOLATOR ’ where ‘ENERGY SOURCE’ is the energy source (e.g. Battery) and ‘TYPE’ is either a.c. or d.c. (e.g. ‘PV ARRAY, D.C. ISOLATOR ’. ‘WIND TURBINE, A.C. ISOLATOR ’, ‘BATTERY BANK, D.C. ISOLATOR ’). Where multiple inverters of one type (solar or battery) are installed on one site, the A.C. Isolator label shall be engraved with the inverter’s number. eg “BATTERY INVERTER #1 A.C. ISOLATOR

Adjacent to Main Switch of Grid Supply (In South Australia the Meter Isolator is considered the Main Switch)

Adjacent to aGate Grid Supply Circuit Breaker at main board and aGate. May be the Main Switch

Adjacent to BackUp Circuit Breaker in aGate

Adjacent to Gererator Circuit Breaker in aGate

Adjacent to Non Back Breaker in aGate and at non backed up circuit in main switchboard

Adjacent to Solar Circuit Breaker(s) in aGate

Adjacent to aPower Circuit Breaker(s) in aGate

Safety warning label. When there is smoke or open flame from the battery, please do not approach it and take protective measures

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