
The Right Supplier Of

Solar Label Pack

All label Packs meet the Australian standard of AUS5033 & AS4777


Off Grid Label Pack

1 x Small Warning Spark Hazard/Shutdown Procedure 105mm x 85mm
1 x Main Battery Isolator 110mm x 50mm
1 x Battery Enclosure 90mm x 40mm
1 x Main DC Switchboard 100mm x 15mm
1 x Main AC Switchboard 100mm x 15mm
1 x Solar Controller 1 40mm x 20mm
1 x String Fusing 40mm x 15mm
1 x Solar In 30mm x 10mm
1 x Solar Out 30mm x 10mm
1 x Load + 25mm x 10mm
1 x Chrg + 25mm x 10mm
1 x Batt - 25mm x 10mm
1 x Batt + 25mm x 10mm


Battery Label Pack

Fully Engraved Traffolyte Label Pack for battery solar PV system
1 x Fire Emergency Procedure 125mm x 175mm
1 x Warning Triple Supply 120mm x 60mm
1 x Battery Shutdown Procedure 120mm x 60mm
1 x Do Not Open Under Load 75mm x 25mm
1 x Battery Location 65mm x 20mm
1 x Battery DC Isolator 40mm x 20mm
1 x Battery AC Isolator 40mm x 20mm
1 x Battery Supply Main Switch 20mm x 20mm
1 x PV & Battery Lithium Ion 1 70mm Round

Western-Australia-Solar-Labels (4)


Durable Sign/Label Kit containing 13 UV resistant labels with 3M self adhesive backing.
There are other different solar label kit for different regions in Australian.
To learn more about it, please click above.

Part of the companies that are our partners

What I love about the labels pack is that it is very easy to use when install the solay equipment and it has very highly adhesive capacity. All solar packs are quality 3M sticker back.Great work!
Alene Elvine
“The label packs were everything I hoped for, and more. Long lasting under strong UV environment really makes a difference, I would have never discovered the color fading we used for these four years"
Jonas Gerber

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