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The Clean Energy Council says that the Australian Energy Market Operator’s (AEMO) update of the 2021 Electricity Statement of Opportunities (ESOO) shows that timely investment in transmission, renewable energy generation and storage will fill the gap left by retiring fossil fuel generators.


Today’s update of the ESOO notes that expected investment will mean there are no realistic reliability gaps for the next five years.

“AEMO has shown that expected investments in renewable generation and storage will fill the gap left by the closure of the Eraring coal-fired power plant,” said Clean Energy Council Chief Executive, Kane Thornton.

“A combination of big battery investments and the construction of renewable energy zones in New South Wales will be more than adequate to meet supply in future.

“The clean energy industry is stepping up to fill the gaps left by the accelerated exit of coal-fired generation.

“Today’s update to the ESOO illustrates that when governments are proactive in supporting a speedy and safe transition to renewable energy, the result is a clean and reliable supply of electricity for all Australians. Renewable energy is here now and will keep the lights on.”