The Birriwa Solar Farm in the Central-West Orana Renewable Energy Zone (CWO REZ) has received conditional approval from the New South Wales Independent Planning Commission.
Located approximately 15km south-east of Dunedoo, within the Mid-Western Regional and Warrumbungle Shire local government areas, the Birriwa Solar Farm comprises a 600MW solar farm, a 600MW/1200MWh BESS (battery energy storage system) and an on-site accommodation camp. It will have the capacity to generate enough renewable energy to power more than 229,000 homes.
The Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure completed a whole-of-government assessment of the Birriwa Solar Farm in May 2024. The Commission is the consent authority for the development as more than 50 public submissions and the Warrumbungle Shire Council objected to the proposed development.
The three-member commission panel, comprising Janett Milligan (Chair), Suellen Fitzgerald and Duncan Marshall, met with key stakeholders, conducted a site inspection and locality tour, held a public meeting and received 65 written submissions from the community.
The panel determined to grant development consent to the project, subject to conditions.
In its Statement of Reasons for Decision, the Commission found that the proposed site is “consistent with the established strategic planning framework, as it will deliver renewable energy within an established REZ that will contribute to electricity generation in New South Wales and contribute to the state’s renewable energy transition”.
The Commission acknowledged concerns raised by some members of the community and imposed numerous conditions of consent to mitigate and/or offset a number of the issues raised.
Conditions of consent include restricting development vehicles from using specific sections of the surrounding road network, requiring the preparation of a soil and water management plan, emergency plan and vegetation planting for visual screening.
The conditions also require the applicant to conduct environmental monitoring and management and prepare an environmental management plan which includes ongoing consultation with the community.
The Commission’s imposed conditions of consent are designed to:
Prevent, minimise and/or offset adverse environmental impacts
Set standards and performance measures for acceptable environmental performance
Require regular monitoring and reporting
Provide for the ongoing environmental management of the development
All the documents relating to the assessment and determination of this proposal can be found on the Commission’s website.
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