In 2017 a Behind the Meter Working Group, of which the Clean Energy Council is a member organisation, was established to develop a draft code of practice for the industry in relation to behind the meter products.
The New Energy Tech Consumer Code, formerly the Behind the Meter Code, will set a minimum standard of customer service for customers looking to purchase behind the meter products.
Behind the meter products include technologies such as solar, battery energy storage systems, electric vehicle charging products, energy management systems and software, and other emerging products and services for homes and businesses.
Together, the member organisations of the Working Group, which consists of the Australian Energy Council, Clean Energy Council, Consumer Action Law Centre, Energy Consumers Australia, Energy Networks Australia, Public Interest Advocacy Centre, Renew and the Smart Energy Council. After extensive industry consultation, the Working Group has submitted a draft Consumer Code to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) for authorisation.
The ACCC has published the application on its public register.