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Horizon Power’s smart solar program expands to Broome

Horizon Power’s smart solar program expands to Broome

The technology is designed to help thousands of customers access rooftop solar and energy bill savings.

Horizon Power said the state-of-the-art technology is increasing access to renewable energy in towns in regional Western Australia, while improving the safety and stability of the state’s electricity network. 

It’s part of a state-wide program launched by Horizon Power in February 2024.

Horizon Power’s Smart Connect Solar project removes hosting capacity constraints in Broome, which have previously limited the number of solar installations across the town.

The move is expected to provide thousands of additional customers the opportunity to install rooftop solar and access energy bill savings, while improving the safety and stability of the state’s electricity network.

Broome reached capacity for the number of rooftop solar systems it could safely have on the network, without it becoming unstable from too much solar, in March 2022. 

The Smart Connect Solar technology is expected to provide more than 6,000 homes and businesses in the Kimberley with the option to install rooftop solar and access energy bill savings.

Smart Connect Solar launched in Carnarvon in February. The technology was rolled out to Karratha, Port Hedland, South Hedland, Point Samson, Cossack and Roebourne in the Pilbara in April.

It was also introduced to 20 towns in the Kimberley, Mid West and Gascoyne and Esperance and Goldfields regions. This included Derby, Wyndham, Halls Creek, Lombadina, Kalumburu, Warmun, Coral Bay, Cue, Meekatharra, Wiluna, Yalgoo, Hopetoun, Laverton, Leonora, Norseman, Camballin, Ardyaloon, Beagle Bay, Bidyadanga and Nullagine.

Horizon Power Chief Executive Officer, Stephanie Unwin, said the launch of Smart Connect Solar technology into Broome was fantastic news for the town.

“The demand for solar has been high in Broome and having the hosting constraints removed will mean thousands of additional customers will have the opportunity to benefit from rooftop solar.

“Since its launch in February, Smart Connect Solar has quickly extended to towns across our footprint, including those in the North West Interconnected System and a further 20 towns. Our next step is to introduce the technology to Exmouth, Sandstone, Denham, Gascoyne Junction and Mount Magnet, which will happen in Q3 2024.

“By the end of the year, we will have deployed this cutting-edge technology to all our service areas, so that thousands of additional Western Australians can reap the benefits of rooftop solar,” Ms Unwin said.

Horizon Power said Smart Connect Solar is harnessing the power of predictive analytics by analysing weather patterns and using them to forecast energy generation and demand. This enables real-time orchestration of a customer’s solar generation, effectively mitigating the risk of voltage and frequency  fluctuations that could destabilise the electricity system and cause supply disruptions.

Broome customers are encouraged to engage local installers. The Kimberley Business Network, a free business directory managed by the Broome Chamber of Commerce and Industry, can provide assistance finding an installer.

Featured image: Horizon Power’s Smart Connect Solar in Broome. Courtesy of Horizon Power.